
When is Traffic Control required?

Traffic control is required when other methods are inadequate to warn, direct and regulate road users within a work zone. It is essential for preventing conflicts between pedestrians, vehicles, workers, and equipment.

What is the difference between an LCT and a TCP?

The key differences between a Lane Closure Technician (LCT) and a Traffic Control Person (TCP) are related to their roles and responsibilities in traffic management:

  • Lane Closure Technician (LCT): LCTs are TCPs that are responsible for setting up, maintaining and taking down traffic control devices required for lane closures. They ensure that all signs, cones, barriers and other traffic control devices are placed correctly to provide a safe environment for both workers and road users.
  • Traffic Control Person (TCP): TCPs are responsible for directing traffic at work sites. They use hand signals, signs and other communication tools to manage the flow of traffic through or around the work zone.

Both roles are crucial for maintaining safety and efficiency in road work zones, but they involve different tasks and have specific training requirements.

What is a Traffic Management Plan and why do I need one?

A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a project-specific document created by the Prime Contractor in conjunction with the traffic control contractor to ensure the safety of workers and the efficient movement of road users through a work zone.

It includes strategies for traffic control, incident management, public information, and plan implementation. You need a TMP to manage and mitigate the risks associated with roadwork, ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow around or through the work zone. Contact us to make your TMP for you.

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